


The passage of time bit by bit, every minute, have a lot of the people of disaster areas due to the doctors and rescue officers and men of insufficient resources, and faced with the risk of death. The Internet, the latest news and pictures and video continuously came, of which a video, What I can not forget: the first video screen, is one of the buildings have collapsed, this place was once a beautiful campus. Collapsed in a pile of rubble, an immature in the eyes of Xiaolian. It was a level of about 12 girls. After a day of the burial, the little girl's face due to excessive hunger and the lack of oxygen, the original Hongrun Xiaolian has become a black and yellow of the yellow. In her face, vaguely Kuguo the Leihen can see, there are the touch of despair. The little girl's mouth is still one of a, but in the video but did not hear her voice, presumably little girl buried in the rubble cried out at once, for help and my voice has changed a dud. To see this little girl, my heart is very mixed feelings. Sichuan's major earthquake, resulting in tens of thousands of people under siege in the ruins. They and the little girl, in the rubble of the reactor can not help themselves, if not timely rescue of their officers and men, these people's lives will be at risk, by the death of oppression. At that time, only heard a while shouting: "Anyone here!" A group of officers and men from running, moved to the implementation of the rescue work. The little girl's face suddenly filled with joy, Jiao Zhe shouted: "Come and save me!" Officers and men of a Di Xiatou, the little girl said: "girl, we are to save you. Do not speech, a good Daizhuo, patience And so on us! "The little girl did not listen to the speech, Yan Baba to see the officers and men. As the little girl in the rubble layer, if the use of some rescue equipment, could collapse again ruins of the crisis little girl's life. Can not be used machinery, the officers and men on the tube into a circle, hand-to Paozhao Paxia to rubble. At this time is 1:00, the rescue of these officers and men have a number of locations collapsed, can not long ago tired of. However, as long as their lax one second, then trapped under the ruins of the people may face the risk of death! In order to the affected people, their plight, tired, simply nothing. Officers and men is Bingzhuo "as early as possible into more than one second to save a" belief, uninterrupted rescue the affected people. At that time, little girls around the rubble was finally finished cleaning up the officers and men, girls were successfully rescued by.

Sichuan 7.8 earthquake alerted the world, the fate of the people of disaster areas also affect the 1.3 billion Chinese people's heart. 4 Chuan Wenchuan earthquake, the China Seismological Bureau has launched a plan. 12 by the China Seismological Bureau, a unit of the Beijing Military Region, 150 and the Armed Police Corps General Hospital 22-member national earthquake disaster emergency rescue teams have rushed to the disaster areas Wenchuan, is responsible for search, rescue and medical tasks. China's Air Force today dispatched 22 military transport planes to the earthquake-stricken area in Sichuan air more than 6,000 paratroopers and four command vehicles, the implementation of Mianzhu, County, in north-earthquake relief mission. Ministry of Civil Affairs has allocated 25,000 emergency relief tents support Sichuan disaster areas and other relief supplies are being mobilized in transport. And the community, many enterprises in China Red Cross Society of China, Sichuan is also assistance.

The face of disaster, unity is strength. When the 1.3 billion Chinese people side by side, Shou Wanshou, Xin Lianxin time, any difficulties are temporary, and that any disaster can be overcome!











1.Everyone is attracted by beauty and beauty is powerful.But what is true beauty? Perhaps you can get the answer from the following story.


This morning I went to the market to buy some vegetables with my parents. On the way we all highly praised a young man in western-style clothes and leather shoes who was riding by.But he rode so fast that he knocked an old lady down carelessly.Instead of stopping, he pretended not to see this and rode away quickly.We were all very angry with the young man.To our happiness, a girl in plain dress ran forward at once, helped the lady up and took her home.We all praised the girl.


From this we know we cannot judge a person by his appearance.A person who is dressed beautifully may not have a beautiful soul. Only a person who has a beautiful soul is really beautiful.


灾难中的感人故事英语作文 英语作文关于感人的故事80字


Earthquake has passed, but the earthquake that half of all the Chinese people are not efface the memory, also, those small earthquake examples are the heroes of the people's hearts forever, strong and brave and selfless small heroes became my case study hard, optimistic upward force.In sichuan, there was a little boy named LinHao, excellent results, a competent leader. When the earthquake the students in class. LinHao and classmates rushed out of the classroom, but they don't run out of buildings, they buried in the rubble, LinHao under debris show their age and do not conform to the mature and calm. A few girls in out LinHao organization schoolmates, sing a song sung morale, and all calm down for rescue. Two hours later, small LinHao flexible issued the ruins, but he did not quickly, but to escape from the ruins of the two has been in a coma. Subsequently, the seven hours LinHao walk alone, and came to the mountain road. His brave face, brave, his wit made his courage, beating death, rebirth.During an earthquake, many people died and rescued others. BaiLe shaw is such, BaiLe shaw was born in 1995, is a city of sichuan province in qingchuan guiro middle school students, an average of an earthquake in the moment, BaiLe xiao quickly rushed out of the classroom, but a prefabricated rapidly towards the hand cut off BaiLe shaw, suddenly, BaiLe shaw hand became flesh, wide roads are blocked forms, can let a person through the place, is the place where BaiLe shaw, behind the students in Shouting: "help! Help!" BaiLe shaw never forgot his arms, he put forward a arm strove, at the moment, the classmates saved, and his arm is broken.An earthquake comes, they have grown moment 5.12地震已经过去了半年,但那场地震使所有中华儿女都不能抹去的记忆,同样,地震时的那些小英雄们的事例也永远留在了人们的心中,那些坚强、勇敢、无私的小英雄们的事例成为了我努力学习、乐观向上的动力。在四川,有个小男孩叫做林浩,成绩优异,是个称职的班长。地震时同学们都在上课。林浩和同学们一起跑出教室,但是他们没有跑出教学楼,他们被埋在了废墟下,林浩在废墟下表现出与自己年龄不相符合的成熟与冷静。有几个女生在大哭大闹,林浩组织同学们一起唱歌鼓舞士气,一曲唱完,大家都冷静下来寻找获救的方法。两小时之后,矮小灵活的林浩发出了废墟,但是他没有迅速地逃跑,而是奋力从废墟中拉出了两位已经昏迷的同学。随后,林浩独自走了七小时的山路,走到了山路。他勇敢的面对,勇敢的抬头,他的勇敢、机智使他打败的死神,获得了再生。在地震时,有很多人牺牲了自己,救出了别人。白乐萧就是这样的人,白乐萧是出生于1995年,是四川省青川市木鱼中学的一名普通学生,在地震来临的一刹那,白乐萧快速地跑出教室,可是,一块预制板快速地朝白乐萧手上切去,顿时,白乐萧的手变得血肉模糊,宽阔的道路被预制板挡住,能让人通过的地方,就是白乐萧站的地方,后面的同学们都在大声地喊叫:“救命啊!救命啊!”白乐萧再也顾不上自己的手臂,他把手臂奋力地往前一拉,霎时间,血流成河,同学们获救了,他的手臂断了。地震来临的一刹那,他们都长大了


A flood disaster took place in some areas in China. It had been raining all those days and never stopped, which led to the flood. The PLA men arrived immediately to rescue the villagers of the flooded areas. And they did their best to fight against the flood. They supplied the villagers with fresh vegetables and food. Some medical teams were organized to help them so that they could have healthy diet. Poisonous food and dead animals were not allowed to be eaten and the water must be cleared over and over again before being drunk. The doctors told them to pay special attention to their health. Some leaders of our country also inspected the areas. Supplies and money from all parts of our country were sent to those areas to support them. After a long time, everything went on very well. And that was a sign of victory.

















